To contribute to the positioning of our clients as leaders in their field, putting at their disposal innovative Information and Communication Technology solutions, aimed at increasing their efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.
To consolidate ourselves as one of the main ICT services companies at the regional level,recognized for its high value solutions, as well as for the quality and excellence of its services.
There are four fundamental values that identify us and guide our actions in the organization, both towards our clients as well as towards our collaborators, suppliers and allies:
a) Quality services and valuable solutions
b) Innovation,
c) Integrity,
d) Commitment.
Quality Services and Valuable Solutions
Quality implies giving results, complying with what is offered and widely satisfying theexpectations of our clients. Quality is synonymous with having solutions that add value to ourclients. Solutions supported by international standards and provided by a highly qualified andprofessional human team.
Innovation is responding to change; it is the constant to stay at the technological forefront. Itimplies developing novel solutions that allow our clients to offer differentiated products andservices, as well as an unbeatable experience to their own clients. Innovation is key to growth, it isto strengthen our clients, it is an Inteliglobe commitment.
It is a value that implies not only honesty but also a commitment to act with professionalism,coherence and truthfulness. It transcends in all areas of our actions. It guides us to channel ourefforts for the benefit of our clients, the entire chain of actors with whom we interact and oursociety.
We get involved and support our clients in the fulfillment of their objectives, even with thepremise of being able to exceed their expectation, since we are focused on service. Thecommitment is formality, seriousness and responsibility.
Telefono: (5255) - 55468815
Paseo de la Reforma 180, piso 14
Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc
06600 CDMX
© Inteliglobe S.A. de C.V.